Sharon's Blog

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About me

I am 16 years old and I am a junior at Del Norte highschool. I love listening to music and reading. Some of my favorite artists include Taylor Swift, Beabadobee, and Coldplay. I play the piano, and I am also learning how to play the guitar. I love cooking and trying out new recipes, I also like to hang out with my friends. My favorite food is probably ice cream or rice. My favorite subject in school is english and chemistry

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Goals for this year

As this year is my junior year of high school, and I have heard from many people that this will be the hardest of the four years I have set a few goals for myself. I definitely want to try to be more organized and procrastinate less this year, I want to make sure I can get all my work done efficently and as soon as possible. I want to be organized so I dont miss any assignments and also make sure that I am gcing my full effort to everything I do. Overall, this year I want to make sure I am incredibly focused on school and my academics with limited distractions so I can build better habits. I am excited for the new classes I am taking this year and I am ready to learn new topics


class period
AP Bio 3
Calc BC 4
off roll 5