Computer Science Time Box Page

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (pair name).

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Week 0 accomplishments
1 - Week 1 plans
- Week 1 hacks
- Week 1 accomplishments
2 - Week 2 plans
- Calculator IPYNB
- Game of Life
- Calculator
- Quiz about me
- Week 2 accomplishments
- Calculator MD
- Classic Snake Game
3 - Week 3 plans
- Time Zone Converter
- linux notes
- Week 3 accomplishments

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
4 - week 4 plans
- team test hacks
5 - week 5 plans
- collabrotation noted
- program with input and ouput
- input program
- Combined team test
6 - week 6 plans
- Web Programming Basics
- shopping cart
- web programming
- Login/Signup
7 - week 7 plans
- Data abstraction
- Week 7 accomplishments
8 - grocery store team managment
- Boolean and Condition Homework
- iteration hw
- Week 8 review
9 - week 9 plans
- Developing algorithms homework
- Lists ad search homework
- Week 9 review
10 - Grocery progress
- Procedures
- Simulations
- Week 10 review
12 - Individual review
13 - 3.8 Undecided Problems Team Teach
- Deployment
- Ideation team
14 - 5.4 Crowdsourcing
15 - Beneficial and Harmful Effects Team Teach
- Ideation for color game
- The network
- Binary project review ticket
- Digital Divide team teach
- 5.3 Computing Bias Lesson homework
16 - Legal & Ethical Concerns
- P2 | 5.6 - Safe Computing
- College Board review
17 - Project 2 Brainstorm
- CPT ideation-volunteering
- Planning for AI chatbot
- CPT final
- N@TM Blog
- N@TM Blog
- 2020 frequently missed questions popcorn hacks
- Week 17 review
18 - P2 | SASS
19 - Python/Flask JWT Project Implementation Overview


Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Week 0 accomplishments