timezone converter (python)

  • we had to figure out which libraries to, we started out with just pytz but then relized it was not sufficient.
  • the timezone converter may not be accounting for daylight savings
  • large list of timezones might be harder for user to navigate
  • had to thorougly research python but aldo asked chatgpt for help

javascript timezone converter map


  • This is where we acessed the google API for the map
  • input:click of mouse output: longitude and lattitude
  • after this step the code makes a call to the time zone API using longitude and latitude values collected from the map API. Then the local timezone of that area is displayed.
  • input: longitude and latitude output: timezone infromation and local time

  • hard tofind what API to use and how to navigate through JavaScript

general errrors and problems this week

  • I had to make a new repository because my od one crashed, still having to run local as there are a few errors with my new repository, still trying to fix it
  • had to redo a few files as they were not trandporting to my new repository
  • had trouble uing many linux commands but used chatgpt to figure out what the problem was
  • I initisally had a hard time getting the google API onto my blog but had to make a few changes to make is transfer