Week 3 plan in detail

  • Monday(holiday): make plan for week and read through all the teacher posts and take notes in notebook
  • Tuesday: Start working with partner and share plan with teacher on slack and ask for feedback
  • Wednesday: Finish the code and ask ChatGpt to review code, build review ticket
  • Thursday: Plan pair showcase, make posts for accomplishments of the week-this is where I will add my notes- organize all my hacks

Ideas for pair programming project (share with teacher for feedback)

  • make sure to use python, linux and JavaScript
  • triangle identifier
  • to do list/planner
  • Time Zone Converter:
    • Build a Python script that converts times between different time zones.
    • Create a web-based time zone converter using JavaScript and HTML.
  • Basic URL Shortener:
    • Write a Python script that shortens URLs and redirects users to the original URL.
    • Use JavaScript and HTML to create a simple web interface for URL shortening.