
We started kind of late so it was hard to gert everything organized as we had lots of last minute changes. Initially I was planning on working on the login api but then I switched to work on the inventory as it was more important and intially no one in my group was doing much work

  • i initally found this very difficult because i couldnt find any online API that atched my goal and I didnt really know how to build my own
  • I then used the jokes api as a tempelate. I went line by line through the code in and changed it to match the inventory i was making.

errors and struggles

  • I had a hard time figuring out what i needed to change to match my needs and what to keep
  • I ran into man erros because I wanted to be able to call from category and not just id like was shown in the jokes api
  • I also had errors deploying my site on aws so I decided to just use localhost
  • had to switch ports a few times
  • we struggled a lot on a specific error wehre it was giving us syntax errors but after going line by line i figured out the issue
  • im still having an issue deplying the endpoint api I made I dont know what is wrong it should be working there are no errors in the code.