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string datatype
- We discussed that strings store text
- It is useful to know a few functions that can be used on string manipulation (see example below)
- We can see the type of data using
// assign variable
var hello = "Hello World";
console.log("variable: hello")
// seeing the type of this data
console.log("variable: hello check typeof")
console.log(typeof hello)
// add strings together
console.log("string concatenation: hello + Rohan!")
console.log(hello + " Rohan!")
var hello = "Hello World";
// getting a certain component of this text
// (here the _ is a standin for the space character)
// H e l l o _ W o r l d
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
// if we want the hello component, we want characters 0-4, so we use the following function
// (note how we use 0 and 5 as arguments, the last character is NOT INCLUSIVE)
console.log("substring: hello 0, 5")
console.log(hello.substring(0, 5))
.toUpperCase() and .toLowerCase()
var hello = "Hello World";
// useful functions to make string lowercase or uppercase
console.log("string convert to upper case: hello toUpperCase")
console.log("string convert to lower case: hello toLowerCase")
var hello = "Hello World";
// useful function to check if one string is contained in another
console.log("string includes: hello includes Rohan")
console.log("string includes: hello includes Hello")
number datatype
- we discussed that numbers store numbers
- here are some useful ideas in javascript to deal with numbers
console.log("Numbers info")
// assign numbers to varialbes
console.log("variable: num1")
var num1 = 9
console.log("variable: num2")
var num2 = 6
// simple operations with numbers
console.log("subtract: num1 - num2")
console.log(num1 - num2)
console.log("add: num1 + num2")
console.log(num1 + num2)
console.log("divide: num1 / num2")
console.log(num1 / num2)
console.log("multiply: num1 * num2")
console.log(num1 * num2)
console.log("remainder (modulo): num1 % num2")
console.log(num1 % num2)
number formatting
console.log("variable: num1")
var num1 = 9
console.log("variable: num2")
var num2 = 6
// converting numbers to text
console.log("number convert string: num1")
// rounding a number
console.log("round(num1 / num2)")
console.log(Math.round(num1 / num2))
// rounding a number to decimal palces
console.log("set decimals to 2 places (num1 / num2)")
console.log((num1 / num2).toFixed(2))
Array datatype
- an array is just a list of other datatypes
- put all the items in square brackets
- some useful methods below
console.log("Array: assigning a list of strings")
var str1 = "1st string"
var arr_data = [str1, "2nd string", "3rd string"]
// seeing what is in the array
// getting one thing from an array
// "A string" "Other Data" "more data"
// 0 1 2
console.log("Array: referencing a cell #1")
console.log([ arr_data[1] ]) // zero based counting: 1 is 2nd cell
array manipulation
console.log("Array: assigning a list of strings")
var str1 = "1st string"
var arr_data = [str1, "2nd string", "3rd string"]
// seeing what is in the array
// adding something new to the array
console.log("Array: adding to list")
arr_data.push("4th string")
// removing the first element of array
console.log("Array: removing from front of list")
// removing the last element of array
console.log("Array: removing from end of list")
Object datatype
- store records as key-value pairs
- are defined by enclosing data in curly braces
- allow access and modification using dot
or square bracket[]
console.log("Object: assigning key-value objects")
var obj = {
name: "Safin",
age: 13
// The following is stored in the object called "obj"
// {
// name: "Safin",
// age: 13
// }
// The key "name" is associated with the string value "Safin"
// The key "age" is associated with the number value 13
// Notice that keys are of the type "string"
// print obj to the console
// -> { name: 'Safin', age: 13 }
// Notice that single quotes ' and double quotes " can be used interchangeably
object access
console.log("Object: assigning key-value objects")
var obj = {
name: "Safin",
age: 13
// The following is stored in the object called "obj"
// {
// name: "Safin",
// age: 13
// }
// The key "name" is associated with the string value "Safin"
// The key "age" is associated with the number value 13
// Notice that keys are of the type "string"
// print obj to the console
// -> { name: 'Safin', age: 13 }
// Notice that single quotes ' and double quotes " can be used interchangeably
// To access certain values within an object, also known as an object's fields,
// you can use the name of the object suffixed with a dot and the name of the field
// or using the square bracket notation shown below
console.log("Object: using key name to access the name value (key notation)")
console.log("Object: using key name to access the name value (dot notation)")
// -> Safin
// Fields of an object can be manipulated similar to variables
console.log("Object: mutating the key name from Safin to John")
obj.name = "John"
// -> John
// A key-value pair can be added to the object
console.log("Object: mutating the key name from Safin to John")
obj["ghid"] = "jm1021"
// Observe new key
HACK: javascript snippet
// Create an object representing yourself
const person = {
name: "Sharon",
age: 16,
currentClasses: ["AP CALC, "Programming"],
interests: ["Hiking", "Cooking"],
hobbies: ["Guitar", "Reading"],
favoriteNumbers: [7, 42, 11],
// Print the entire object
console.log("Initial Object:");
// Manipulate the arrays within the object
// Print the entire object after manipulation
console.log("Object after Manipulation:");
// Perform mathematical operations on fields in the object
const sumOfAgesAndFavoriteNumber = person.age + person.favoriteNumbers[0];
const ageModulo7 = person.age % 7;
console.log("Mathematical Operations:");
console.log(`Age + Favorite Number: ${sumOfAgesAndFavoriteNumber}`);
console.log(`Age modulo 7: ${ageModulo7}`);
// Use typeof to determine the types of fields in the object
const typeOfName = typeof person.name;
const typeOfInterests = typeof person.interests;
const typeOfHobbies = typeof person.hobbies;
console.log("Data Types:");
console.log(`Type of name: ${typeOfName}`);
console.log(`Type of interests: ${typeOfInterests}`);
console.log(`Type of hobbies: ${typeOfHobbies}`);